OI Alarm filtering and exporting alarms to Excel
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OI Alarm filtering and exporting alarms to Excel


Article ID: 257516


Updated On:


DX Operational Intelligence


OI Alarm filtering is not working correctly.  We cannot get a summary of alert for stats purposes.

When we select time range to one week, we still see alarms that are open many weeks back continue to show in the list.

Also, exporting the result in Excel doesn't work. If the export the alarms, it is not exporting alarms based on time range.


Release : SAAS


You need to include more filters when you are trying to filter alarms/alerts.

Here is an example.

Let's say you want to list all alarms/alerts with status of new and updated for Nov.

First you pick the time range of Nov 1 to Nov 30 for all alarms on the alarm analytics page.

Then in the filter option, there is parameter "Created". Select the "Created" and in the first drop down list select "Created Date Range".

It should populate the date that you selected in the first step.

For the "Status" parameter, you select the value of New and Updated.

This should show you list of alarms/alerts that we desire.

Once it is confirmed that it lists alarms/alerts, then these alarms/alerts are exported to an Excel file.

You can ignore the time range on main alarm analytics UI and select the time range after selecting the "Created" filter. 

If you do not select the "Created" filter, and only select the time range, it will show all alerts/alarms that are not being handled, meaning alerts/alarms before NOV and also alerts/alarms in DEC.