OOTB Timesheets to Approve Portlet Issue
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OOTB Timesheets to Approve Portlet Issue


Article ID: 257511


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


We are using the OOTB "Timesheets to Approve" portlet and this is not displaying previous weeks timesheets (months in 2022) that needs to be approved for PM's. This is causing issue for PM's as they are overlooking the timesheets that needs attention. What is the logic for this portlet to show data?


Release : 16.0.0


The 'Timesheets to Approve' portlet cannot be configured to show all open periods. As per the design It only shows Prior and Current Time Period. Both Current and Prior time periods should exist in Clarity.

The workaround is to use The 'Timesheets' portlet (Home > Timesheets) which allows for more time periods in the Filter.