API-1007 : You Are Not Authorized To Process Request Error On Task List After Upgrade
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API-1007 : You Are Not Authorized To Process Request Error On Task List After Upgrade


Article ID: 257467


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


After upgrade, receiving below error on Task List:

API-1007: You are not authorized to process request. Contact your system administrator for necessary security rights.

Errors in logs:

(clarity:PM:xxxxx__xxxxxxxxxx:PPM_REST_API) User PM tried to GET resource [resource name:xxxxx, resource id: null] but does not have permission.

ERROR 2022-12-22 12:19:09,206 [https-jsse-nio2-443-exec-11] xql2.rule (clarity:xxxxxx:xxxxxx__xxxxxxxxx:PPM_REST_API) Insufficient rights to add/update team record


Missing permissions


Should add some of the following To Dos permissions to the resource depending on what their access should be:

This change went in 15.9.2, the new permissions were added and documented in the 16.0.1 Change Impact and Upgrade guide