Add new User Group member
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Add new User Group member


Article ID: 257436


Updated On:


SYSVIEW Performance Management


Is it possible to add a new User Group member to be used in SYSVIEW's SECURITY settings?


Release : All

Component : SYSVIEW


New User Group member can be added by copying an existing User Group member using the ADD command.

(1) Type SECURITY and press the Enter key.

SYSVIEW 16.0 Xxxx -------- MENU, Primary Option Menu ------ 2022/12/23 16:22:55
Option ====> SECURITY                                         Scroll *===> PAGE
------------------------------------------------------------- Lvl 1 Row 1-20/20
Main Services ACTIVE   User Interface INACTIVE                                 
Option Command                        Description                              
_    1 MENU OVERVIEW                  System overview                          
_    2 MENU MVS                       MVS displays                             
_    3 MENU JES                       JES job and output management            
_    4 MENU CICS                      CICS displays                            
_    5 MENU DATACOM                   CA Datacom displays                      
_    6 MENU DB2                       Database 2 displays                      
_    7 MENU IDMS                      CA IDMS displays                         
_    8 MENU IMS                       IMS displays                             
_    9 MENU JVMLE                     JVM and LE displays                      
_   10 MENU MQ                        MQ displays                              
_   11 MENU NETWORK                   Network and TCP/IP displays              
_   12 MENU USS                       UNIX system services displays            
_   13 MENU CAPTURE                   Event capture and SMF/RMF collection     
_   14 MENU ADMIN                     SYSVIEW administration                   
_   15 MENU SDSF                      SDSF migration menu                      
_   16 MENU PRODUCTS                  Product integration menu                 
_   17 MENU HELP                      Online help information                  
_   18 END                            Terminate SYSVIEW session                

(2) Select User Groups by entering S in the Cmd field.

SYSVIEW 16.0 Xxxx ----------- SECURITY, Security ---------- 2022/12/23 16:39:50
Command ====>                                                 Scroll *===> PAGE
--------------------------------------------------------------- Lvl 2 Row 1-2/2
Dsname xxxxxxx.SYSVW.R160.CNM4BSEC                   Stat RW   Cache Y         
Cmd Section                                                                    
S__ User Groups                                                                
___ Command Groups                                                             
********************************* End of Data *********************************

(3) On the 'SECURIT2, Security User Groups' screen, copy the existing User Group members and create additional new User Group members.

  ADD New User Group member name   Existing User Group member name

In the following example, the ADD command creates a new User Group member CICSUSR2 based on the existing User Group member CICSUSER.

SYSVIEW 16.0 Xxxx ----- SECURIT2, Security User Groups ---- 2022/12/23 16:44:41
Command ====> ADD CICSUSR2 CICSUSER                           Scroll *===> PAGE
--------------------------------------------------------------- Lvl 3 Row 1-5/5
Dsname xxxxxxx.SYSVW.R160.CNM4BSEC                   Stat RW   Cache Y        
Cmd Group    Count Upd-Date   Upd-Time Userid   Description                  
___ GLOBAL       0 2022/02/04 13:12:40 SYSV160  Global Definitions            
___ DEFAULT      0 2022/02/04 13:12:40 SYSV160  Default User Group            
___ ADMIN        0 2022/02/04 13:12:40 SYSV160  Administrators                
___ CICSUSER     4 2022/12/23 15:06:42 user001  Copied from DEFAULT          
___ AddGroup                                    Add a new group              
********************************* End of Data *********************************

(4) CICSUSR2 is created.

SYSVIEW 16.0 Xxxx ----- SECURIT2, Security User Groups ---- 2022/12/28 10:50:02
Command ====>                                                 Scroll *===> PAGE
--------------------------------------------------------------- Lvl 3 Row 1-6/6
Dsname xxxxxxx.SYSVW.R160.CNM4BSEC                   Stat ALT  Cache Y        
Cmd Group    Count Upd-Date   Upd-Time Userid   Description                  
___ GLOBAL       0 2022/02/04 13:12:40 SYSV160  Global Definitions            
___ DEFAULT      0 2022/02/04 13:12:40 SYSV160  Default User Group            
___ ADMIN        0 2022/02/04 13:12:40 SYSV160  Administrators                
___ CICSUSER     4 2022/12/23 15:06:42 user001  Copied from DEFAULT          
___ CICSUSR2   4 2022/12/28 10:50:02 user001  Copied from CICSUSER          
___ AddGroup                                    Add a new group              
********************************* End of Data *********************************