RM369E Target subsystem DB2 Version V121M51 is invalid RC/Migrator Quick Migration.
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RM369E Target subsystem DB2 Version V121M51 is invalid RC/Migrator Quick Migration.


Article ID: 257411


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RC/Migrator for DB2 for z/OS


Performing a RC/Migrator for Db2 for z/OS (RCM) Quick Migration.  When specifying TARGET SSID as a different Db2
(not defined in PARMLIB as it is not in the same LPAR ), the screen required us to provide the TARGET DB2 VERSION.
Currently executing Db2 V12R1M510 but the field has only 8 Characters.  How can V12R1M510 be entered?

RM369E: Target subsystem DB2 Version V12R1M51 is invalid.  Help for info


The correct values given within online help text is without the "V":

RM369E is an error message indicating that the DB2 version to be assigned
for the target of this migration strategy is invalid.  Enter one of the  
following DB2 versions:  
For Version 12 Release  ==> 12R1M500 to 12R1Mmmm                         
                               (where mmm is the modification level)     
For Version 11 Release  ==> V11R1M0 or 11R1M0


For Db2 V12R1M510 please enter: 12R1M510