Service Desk Manager cannot connect to PAM after RU update applied
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Service Desk Manager cannot connect to PAM after RU update applied


Article ID: 257379


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager CA Process Automation Base


PAM (Process Automation)  has SDM (Service Desk Manager) connector installed and configured.

I can connect to SDM from PAM.

SDM can't see any SRFs from PAM when connecting the area with the process.

Additionally, this issue has also been reported after an upgrade

Example of SOAP Error Response

Error Code: 1010

jstd.log logging from SDM will also contain:

XX/XX 15:25:06.723 [Thread-8] ERROR ItpamWorkflow 321 Error accessing ITPAM Service at: https://<ITPAM-server-name>:8443/itpam/soap2 counts of InaccessibleWSDLException.

SDM UI shows the following error when trying to load PAM data from SDM:

Delayed Server Response



Release: 17.3, 17.4


With RU18, the setting for caextwf_endpoint now needs to include "?wsdl" to be effective.


1. Log into Service Desk Manager as an administrator

2. Go to Administration tab > Options Manager > CA IT PAM Workflow > Click on caextwf_endpoint > Edit

3. Add "?wsdl" to the end of the Option Value

ie:  http://<pam server>:<tomcat_port>/itpam/soap?wsdl

4. Save

5. Restart SDM services for the changes to take effect.