Manually create a sdm_ds datasource in JasperReports
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Manually create a sdm_ds datasource in JasperReports


Article ID: 257377


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


Is there a way to manually create the datasource in JasperServer Reports 7.9 and up that points to SDM 17.3 RU10 or later?


CA Service Desk Manager 17.3 RU10 and later


1. Ensure the steps under "Move the configuration and authentication files" from the following link have been implemented:

Move the configuration and authentication files

2. Log into JasperReports Server 7.9 and up as superuser

3. Click on "+ Create" button under Data Sources

4. Select/Enter the following:

4.1 Type=JDBC

4.2 JDBC: Select

If it's not in the dropdown list, select other and in the JDBC Driver enter:

4.3 URL: jdbc:sdm:bop:@<SDM hostname>:<slump port>;impersonateUserUuid={attribute('contactUUID')}

Example: jdbc:sdm:bop:@<SDM hostname>:2100;impersonateUserUuid={attribute('contactUUID')}

4.4 User name: Enter an SDM username. Example: ServiceDesk

4.5 Password: In this step, enter the encrypted password. Steps below to get the encrypted password:

4.5.1 Open CMD > Go to the path to \CASM_17.3.0.<RU version>\filestore\Jasper\Utils 

4.5.2 run: gen_passwd.bat <SDM username> <password>

In this screenshot. "ServiceDesk" is an example user id.If any error in this step, add the JRE\bin to the path and then close and open cmd for the changes to take effect


4.5.3 Copy the generated password (see in green in the cmd screenshot above)

4.5.4 Paste it into the new data source, password field:


4.6 Test Connection and Save changes.