No data in "Rights By User" Portlet
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No data in "Rights By User" Portlet


Article ID: 257357


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The portlet "Rights by User" does not return any results after adding it to a page:


Release : 16.1.0


This is working as designed, as "Rights by User" portlet is a drill-down portlet.

If you go to Administration > Organization and Access > License Information > User Count by License Type > [Full] / [Restricted] > [any User], then the portlet will show the rights associated with that user.

This is because the portlet is based on the query "User by Rights", which expects a parameter that is passed to the page. (...&user_id=x).

Alternatively, you can look at the code of the query "User by Rights" as a base to create a new custom query that does not use the user_id as a parameter and works the way you need.