Using Workflow to convert an Excel spreadsheet to a PDF causes an error and corrupts the spreadsheet
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Using Workflow to convert an Excel spreadsheet to a PDF causes an error and corrupts the spreadsheet


Article ID: 257318


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Client Management Suite


Using Workflow to convert an Excel spreadsheet to a PDF causes an error and corrupts the spreadsheet

We see this error:

The workflow also provides this information:

Error last component Report Critical Error(ReportCriticalError)
7776:0013 2022-12-27 11:54:09.386 Error resulting exception from execution 
    System.Exception: exception component created:  ---> LogicBase.Framework.BusinessRuleException: The critical error failed execution on component Excel To PDF : Input string was not in a correct format. :    at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
    at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
    at ”.‰.˜(String , String )
    at ”.‰.˜(€ )
    at ”.‰.˜(€ )
    at ”.‰.˜(€ )
    at ”.‰.Read(€ )
    at ”.‡.—( , String )
    at ”.‡.‰( , String )
    at ”.‡.ƒ()
    at ”.‡.Read()
    at ”.†.(Workbook , LoadOptions )
    at Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Ÿ(Stream , LoadOptions , Boolean )
    at LogicBase.Components.PDF.ExcelToPDF.ConvertToDLS(IData data, Stream document)
    at LogicBase.Components.PDF.AbstractNativePDFConverter.Run(IData data)
    at LogicBase.Core.ExecutionEngine.SinglePathProcessComponentExecutionDelegate.Execute(IData data, IOrchestrationComponent comp, String& outputPath, IExecutionEngine engine, TLExecutionContext context)
    at LogicBase.Core.ExecutionEngine.AbstractExecutionEngine.RunComponent(TLExecutionContext context, IData data, IOrchestrationComponent comp)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at LogicBase.Core.ExecutionEngine.ExceptionComponentDelegate.Execute(IData data, IOrchestrationComponent comp, String& outputPath, IExecutionEngine engine, TLExecutionContext context)
7776:0013 2022-12-27 11:54:09.402


Workflow 8.6 RU3


Known issue. Our Dev team fixed an issue 


This issue has been reported to the Broadcom Development team. A fix is currently targeted for ITMS 8.7 release.