When attempting to debug the DETECT LOG CONFIGURATION CHANGES AUTOMATICALLY gets unchecked when attempting to add new debug category In SaaS.
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When attempting to debug the DETECT LOG CONFIGURATION CHANGES AUTOMATICALLY gets unchecked when attempting to add new debug category In SaaS.


Article ID: 257252


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


DETECT LOG CONFIGURATION CHANGES AUTOMATICALLY gets unchecked when attempting to add new debug category or copy appender In SaaS.

1. Login to the Clarity application as an admin user
2. Modify the URL field to: http://<server>/niku/nu#action:security.logs
3. Click on Edit Configuration
4. Scroll down to Category and click Add Category
5. Type the component name: com.niku.union.notification into the Other Name window
6. Change Appender to STDOUT.
7. Change the Priority drop-down box to debug.
8. Click the Save button.
9. Notice ERROR Custom category cannot be associated with default appender and "Detect Log Configuration Changes Automatically" flag is unchecked and there is no way to check it back on.

Expected Results: It should not uncheck "Detect Log Configuration Changes Automatically"

Actual Results: it is unchecking "Detect Log Configuration Changes Automatically" flag


Release : 16.1.0


DE67950, Fixed in 16.1.1.