AppNeta - Single sign-on (SSO) - Additional Roles
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AppNeta - Single sign-on (SSO) - Additional Roles


Article ID: 257231


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How do I add additional users roles in my SSO deployment, such as PathTest and Advanced Diagnostics?


In order to make changes, you'll need to have Organization Admin privileges.   From the login, Click on the Gear Icon > Manage Identity Providers, and edit the account.

1. In our example, we'll pretend that we have two Security Groups, and want to add Path Test as privileges: 


You can click on the + symbol which will allow you to add additional roles:

Then you can specify the AppNeta Roles to add, and the Security Group to apply this role for.  As a result, if the User has the security group "MyCompanyAdmin" they will become  an Organization Admin and gain PathTest.  

2.  However, you may wish to not provide the PathTest privilege to all of your "Organization Admin" users.  This would require the use of a new Security Group:

If the User has the security group "MyCompanyAdmin" they will become an Organization Admin but will also need "PathTestUser" security group privilege to gain the additional access.

3.  This can be applied to other privileges as well, consider these 4 roles: 

If the User has the security group "MyCompanyStandard" they will become a Standard user, and they may also have the security group "PathTestUser" privilege to gain the additional access. 



Additional Information

Additional information on User Roles can be found here: