create tenant on Portal is not working - portal new set up
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create tenant on Portal is not working - portal new set up


Article ID: 257216


Updated On:


CA API Developer Portal


We have new servers and trying to install portal by using external mysql server. When creating tenant ./ on the Portal server, we see this message as below (There was an error while creating the tenant. Please check your connection to the servers and/or your json payload.)

Trying to Install portal 5.1.2 version. MySQL 8.0 - External database. Gateway 10.1

bash-4.2# ./ -D -d

curl --silent --output ./tenant_info --write-out '%{http_code}' -X POST -k https://apim-ssg.<tenant_domainname>:9443/provision/tenants --cert ../certs/apim.pem --key ../certs/apim.pem -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{.......



+ test 000 -ne 201

+ echo 'There was an error while creating the tenant. Please check your connection to the servers and/or your json payload.'

There was an error while creating the tenant. Please check your connection to the servers and/or your json payload



Release : 5.1


The request was for apim-ssg.<tenant_domainname>:9443

There is a VIP in front the portal that changes port 9443 to 8443 - this is the root cause of the failure



Recommend change DNS to go directly to apim-ssg.<tenant_domainname>:9443.

After the change the request was still going through the VIP reason:  DNS resolver which you are using in your /etc/resolv.conf who is caching

Updated /etc/hosts

Ip_address apim-ssg.<tenant_domainname> 

Restart the portal server then successfully created tenant