Task created into BV produces warning pop-up: The functional period of this task does not match the one from the Uproc
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Task created into BV produces warning pop-up: The functional period of this task does not match the one from the Uproc


Article ID: 257209


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Using a Business View, create a Uproc with a functional period other than "DAY" (for example, "None").

Then create a task based on clicking the "Schedule" button, then Save.

Then reopen the task into the Business View, the following pop-up alert is shown: "The functional period of this task does not match the one from the Uproc anymore..."


Release : 6.10


Update to a fixed version listed below or a new version, if available:

Fix versions:

Component: Univiewer Console

Dollar Universe 6.10.111 - Planned release is January 2023.