Error Details - ORA-20131: No printer group is assigned to the module
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Error Details - ORA-20131: No printer group is assigned to the module


Article ID: 257146


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CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


This article is created to provide details on the error message: ORA-20131: No printer group is assigned to the module: XXXXXX_XXXXX-XXXX

ERROR Details:

ErrorMsg: AwE-5001 Database Query Error 
Details: ORA-20131: No printer group is assigned to the module: XXXXXX_XXXXX-XXXX
ORA-06512: at "APPMGR.XXXX", line 

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20131: No printer group is assigned to the module: XXXXXX_XXXXX-XXXX
ORA-06512: at "APPMGR.XXXX", line 


Release : 9.3x, 9.4x

CA Automic Applications Manager


The message says the job does not have an output group selected Output Group, if the Job has been assigned this group.

Please Go to the Job definition for XXXXXX_XXXXX-XXXX, -> Output tab ->  Check if the Entry for Output Group has anything selected

You can find more info from the so_print_commands table

If the error message happened around a specific time, user can check more info by selecting the table for that time frame.

>SELECT * from so_print_commands where so_time_stamp between to_date (xx) and to_date (xxx)