Nexus 2 compatibility with v6.8
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Nexus 2 compatibility with v6.8


Article ID: 257110


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CA Release Automation - Release Operations Center (Nolio)


Hi Team,

Client is running Nolio v6.6 on RHEL (v7.9) in HA mode with standalone repository (Nexus 2.14.9) on Windows 2016.

They want to upgrade Nolio to v6.8. If they would like to continue with same repository (Nexus 2.14.9), is it compatible with v6.8 or they would need to upgrade Nexus v2 to v3 ?


Release : 6.6



Nexus 3

  • Upgrading to Nexus 3 is not mandated by Nolio (they can stay with Nexus 2 if they want), but is highly recommended due to known security issues with Nexus 2, which will not be planned for fixing in version 2 of Nexus. 



  • If customer is trying to upgrade to Nexus 3 it should be less than version 3.27 as 3.28 broke Nolio integration with it. If they try using Nexus 3.28 or above, it will result in known integration issues with repo creation in Nolio. 

Nexus 2

  • The internal repo remains to be Nexus 2 as of now, because some of the changes made in Nexus 3 complicate bundling it with Nolio. 

Note: The migration of a repository content from Nexus 2 to Nexus 3 is a large procedure requiring human attention, and is not bundled with CARA installer packages. 

  • If we talk about Nexus 2 as the internal repo, it will be automatically updated with the Nolio upgrade procedure. If they use Nexus 2 as a standalone, we believe it will continue working with Nolio 6.8, however it's still recommended to upgrade Nexus at least to the latest available Nexus 2 i.e. 2.14.20-02(in CARA 6.8) which is a minor upgrade from version 2.14.9(in CARA 6.6)