Authhub FIDO Registration: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/android/volley/toolbox/JsonObjectRequest
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Authhub FIDO Registration: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/android/volley/toolbox/JsonObjectRequest


Article ID: 257072


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VIP Authentication Hub


After one of mobile apps is upgraded to cordova Android 11 version to support API version 32,

FIDO registration fails with error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/android/volley/toolbox/JsonObjectRequest

Is this cordova plugin supported from VIP Authhub SDK perspective?

However, FIDO registration works fine with out of box sample app.


Release : Authhub server 1.0.2937, drop8, released 2022.Jun.01


The root cause of the error is due to cordova Android 11 was not properly configured to load 3rd party volley library. Which is not part of Authhub SDK.

If we google this error, there is a chance that android studio was not configured correctly so that it can not find 3rd party volley lib files.


  • It is confirmed that Authhub Android SDK v2.1 is certified with Android API version 32. This is the Authhub SDK version customer should use. If there is any older version of volley-plus-0.1.4 plugin, please remove them.
  • Within Android 11,the build.gradle or cordova.gradle must be updated with new volley library path, with a line like below.

         implementation ''

  • In addition, there could be other location in customer's build package, where older version volley file being referred to or with improper lib path.

Once those dependencies are corrected, the build was successful, and no more java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError about Volley.

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