Alarms coming in for sources that are not listed to be monitored mcs profile related to disks
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Alarms coming in for sources that are not listed to be monitored mcs profile related to disks


Article ID: 256975


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


We have a mcs profile for a series of systems, and we are getting alarms for disks that are not configured on those hosts.


Release : 20.4


Somewhere in the deployment, and or plugin metric update, the spooler metrics accidently made it into the cdm.cfg, Those metrics were not even consistent with what was monitored via the current profile but did in fact have settings for the disks that generated alarms received in the console.


Uninstall and reinstall cdm-mc probe. This will remove and replace the cdm.cfg to normal. It may or may not be required to perform a plugin correction as well:

Running plugin_metric_correction callback against a robot