After setting a different "non English" language, and re login in the Modern UX, sometimes the names of the modules of Projects are displayed back in English.
Setps to Reproduce:
1. Log in to Clarity, Modern UX.
2. Change the language for the User.
Settings => General => Language (Spanish), Locale (Spanish).
3. Log out and Log in.
4. Select Projects.
5. Open, click on a Project.
6. The modules are correctly displayed on the User's language (Propiedades, Tareas, Conversaciones, etc...)
7. Without doing any changes, nor selecting any other than the default loaded module, click on the Refresh button of the Browser.
Expected Results: The complete Project to render again on the language configured
Actual Results: The project is rendering with the names of the modules in English (Projects, Tasks, Conversations...).
The rest is rendered OK in the configured language (Spanish).
Release : 16.x
This is reported as DE67892
This issue is currently reviewed by SE as DE67892.
The issue is being addressed on 16.1.1.
Log out and Log in again. Open the Project and do some work (like switching tabs) before refreshing the browser.