We disabled some products, but we still get the messages:
CAS9013A Product TZ about to expire or is expired and is in use
CAS9013A Product U5 about to expire or is expired and is in use
CAS9013A Product 6F about to expire or is expired and is in use
We delete all product files, and rerun CAIRIM without these LMPKEYS
Please let us know how we can proceed to deactivate the product?
CCS 15.0
It's not possible to delete LMPKEYS by removing them from the KEYS member and then rerunning CAS9.
The old keys remain in storage.
Use the DELETE or REMOVE parameter to set them inactive.
Details on:
Delete or Remove a Product License Key to CAIRIM
Without any action, the CAS9012A/CAS9013A messages stop 24 hours after the last CAS9180x message.
By typing the command
(P.6 Option on TSO) you can check the status of each product