Action Items are blank when language is Portuguese
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Action Items are blank when language is Portuguese


Article ID: 256927


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


You are in the Modern User Interface (MUX) with language set to Portuguese.  A process ran that should have assigned an Action Item in an Idea.  You go to the Idea>>Actions Items and all Action Items are blank.  If the language is changed to English, the Action Items are visible.

Steps to Reproduce: 

Create Action Item Process

  1. In Classic view, go to Administration>>Processes
  2. Click 'New'
  3. Enter name and ID and click Save and Continue
  4. On Object tab, click 'Add Primary Object'
  5. Object Type = Idea
  6. Save and Return
  7. Continue
  8. Start Options is On-demand
  9. Save and Continue
  10. On Start Step>>Actions click 'New'
  11. Manual Action
  12. Enter Action Name and ID
  13. Select all actions
  14. Click binoculars and select 'Subject'
  15. Type a brief description
  16. Assignees - search and select your name
  17. Click 'Save and Return'
  18. Under Post-conditions select Then go to 'Finish'
  19. Save and Continue
  20. Click on Validation Tab
  21. Click 'Validate All and Activate'

Create Idea Blueprint

  1. Log in to MUX
  2. Go to Administration>>Blueprints
  3. Copy the Standard Idea blueprint
  4. Open Blueprint and click Edit
  5. Click Modules
  6. Add Action Items to the Modules
  7. Click Actions>>Add Process
  8. Select the Process you created>>Add
  9. Click Publish

Create new Idea

  1. Go to Idea Workspace>>Grid view
  2. Click the Add button
  3. Add all required information
  4. Associate it with the Blueprint just created
  5. Open the Idea
  6. Run the Process
  7. Click Action Items
  8. Should see a closed Action Item
  9. Expand to see the description

Change Language to Portuguese

  1. Go to Profile>>Settings
  2. Click General
  3. Change Language to Portuguese and Close
  4. Log out and log back in
  5. Go to Ideas and open the Idea you created
  6. Click Action Items

Expected Results: The same action item should be visible

Actual Results: There are no action items showing


Release : 16.1.0




Fixed in 16.1.1