log4j-1.2.16.jar still in web services directory after applying 99111412 patch
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log4j-1.2.16.jar still in web services directory after applying 99111412 patch


Article ID: 256887


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


The 99111412 text file states log4j-1.2.16.jar will be moved to a backup directory after the upgrade to cumulative 3, however it is still in the active directory.



Release : 12.0


When the AUTOSYS_INSTALL_LOCATION has dot(.) in the path, the Patch Install Script does not identify the Instances and hence fails to perform Instance specific changes.

Steps to overcome the issue:

- Identify the function Get_Instances() 

- In the function, look for the below line.
autosys_ins=`echo_log $instance | awk ' BEGIN {FS="."} { if ( $3 == "" ) print $2 } '`

- Replace FS="." with FS="autouser."

- Re-run the Patch Install script.