In OPSVIEW 4.11.P.P, executing DISCOVERY results in an error with "OPADNPMG encountered REXX error 41 in line 522: Bad arithmetic conversion".
In addition, the prefix.CCLXEXEC library is specified in the OPSMAIN procedure and the LOGON procedure.
The executed procedure is as follows.
(1) Specify ’DI’ for XxxxPOL1 on the following screen displayed by executing 4.11.P.P from the OPSVIEW screen
Policy Administration Xxxx ------- O P S V I E W ------------ 1 - 3 / 3
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
Active Policy: XxxxPOL3 System: *
Line Commands: C Copy D Delete DI Discovery E Edit R Remove
CMD Name Policy table Description Status
--- ---------- ------------------ ----------------------------------- ------
DI XxxxPOL1 SSM_Xxxx_POL1 Policy 1 : Production I
XxxxPOL2 SSM_Xxxx_POL2 Policy 2 : Disaster Recovery I
XxxxPOL3 SSM_Xxxx_POL3 Policy 3 : Development and Testing A
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
(2) Enter "D" and execute
Xxxx ------ Resource Discovery ------ OPSS
Command ===> D
Add resources to the SSM Policy Manager.
Enter a resource discovery method.
Discovery Method: D
D Run resource discovery utility
S Use existing STC and Action tables
PF3 to exit to SSM Resource List
PF12 to cancel
(3) Enter "DISCOVER" and execute
SSM Discovery-------------- Xxxx -- O P S V I E W ------------- Subsystem OPSS
Command ===> DISCOVER
The Discovery facility scans the current system for active started tasks and
adds them to the SSM POLICY table. Existing policy data is not updated by
this utility.
This process may take several minutes to complete.
After the tables are built, the Resource Policy panel will be invoked to
allow you to view and customize the resulting policy data.
If the resource table specified below does not exist it will be added to
STATEMAN control with an associated action table.
If the table already exists the table and associated action table will not
be updated by this utility.
Rules DSN ===> 'xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx.CCLXRULM'____________________ (Required)
Resource table Name ===> SSMXxxx1
Enter DISCOVER to BEGIN DISCOVERY, Press PF3 to EXIT without running DISCOVERY
(4) The following messages are displayed
Error in Rexx program OPADNPMG OPSEXEC
OPADNPMG encountered REXX error 41 in line 522: Bad arithmetic conversion
Release : 14.0
When any other Policy is already in the Active state, Discovery will not complete successfully and will result in an error.
In OPSVIEW 4.1.1, modify the value of SSMACTIVEPOLICY and set it to Inactive before running Discovery again.
<Reference: OPSVIEW 4.11.P.P screen>
The following is an example of specifying Discovery for XxxxPOL1 while XxxxPOL3 is Active.
Policy Administration Xxxx ------- O P S V I E W ------------- 3 / 3
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
Active Policy: XxxxPOL3 System: *
Line Commands: C Copy D Delete DI Discovery E Edit R Remove
CMD Name Policy table Description Status
--- ---------- ------------------ ----------------------------------- ------
DI XxxxPOL1 SSM_Xxxx_POL1 Policy 1 : Production I
XxxxPOL2 SSM_Xxxx_POL2 Policy 2 : Disaster Recovery I
XxxxPOL3 SSM_Xxxx_POL3 Policy 3 : Development and Testing A
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