With 20.4.CU4 the cabi probe v8.0 cannot be deployed. Sample error messages shown below. TLS is false./disabled.
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [echo] Checking DBMS host and port:
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [echo] About to validate port: <hostname>:3306
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [echo] Port 3306 is OK
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [echo] Done validating port: <hostname>:3306
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [echo] Validating administrative database connection at jdbc:mysql://<hostname>:3306/mysql?allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true. Phase: [test]
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [advanced-sql] Failed to connect: Could not connect to address=(host=<hostname>)(port=3306)(type=master) : Access denied for user '<username>@'%' to database 'mysql'
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [echo] Connection failed:
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [echo] SQLState: 42000
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [echo] Vendor specific error code: 1044
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [echo] Message: [Could not connect to address=(host=<hostname>)(port=3306)(type=master) : Access denied for user '<username>'@'%' to database 'mysql']
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec]
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] BUILD FAILED
Additionally, cabi_install_archive.log and/or cabi.log files contain 1 or more of these error messages:
Controller: Probe 'cabi' (command = <startup java>) returns no-restart code (42)
Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /opt/CA/nimsoft/jre/jre8u332b09/lib/tools.jar
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] /opt/CA/nimsoft/c/buildomatic/bin/validation.xml:476: Database doesn't exist. Treating problem with JDBC connection as unrecoverable
[main, cabi] (42), CABI installer failed with exit code=1
[main, cabi] nimEx.getCode()=4, nimEx.getMsgForCode()=not found, nimEx.getMessage()=Received status (4) on response (for sendRcv) for cmd = 'probe_config_get' name = 'wasp'
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [exec] Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "git": error=2, No such file or directory
Based on the UIM Compatibility Matrix, in UIM v20.4, the cabi probe is NOT yet supported or tested for RHEL 8.
Currently, as of 12/28/2022, only RHEL 6.x and 7.x are supported.
UIM cabi is NOT supported for RHEL 8.x, only Redhat Linux 6.x and 7.x are tested and officially supported.
Please refer to:
and search on the cabi probe for which OSes are currently supported in UIM v20.4.