CABI probe 8.0 deployment fails with Access denied for user and error code 1044
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CABI probe 8.0 deployment fails with Access denied for user and error code 1044


Article ID: 256652


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


With 20.4.CU4 the cabi probe v8.0 cannot be deployed. Sample error messages shown below. TLS is false./disabled.

[Thread-0, cabi]      [exec]      [echo] Checking DBMS host and port:
[Thread-0, cabi]      [exec]      [echo] About to validate port: <hostname>:3306
[Thread-0, cabi]      [exec]      [echo]   Port 3306 is OK
[Thread-0, cabi]      [exec]      [echo] Done validating port: <hostname>:3306
[Thread-0, cabi]      [exec]      [echo] Validating administrative database connection at jdbc:mysql://<hostname>:3306/mysql?allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true. Phase: [test]
[Thread-0, cabi]      [exec] [advanced-sql] Failed to connect: Could not connect to address=(host=<hostname>)(port=3306)(type=master) : Access denied for user '<username>@'%' to database 'mysql'
[Thread-0, cabi]      [exec]      [echo] Connection failed:
[Thread-0, cabi]      [exec]      [echo]   SQLState: 42000
[Thread-0, cabi]      [exec]      [echo]   Vendor specific error code: 1044
[Thread-0, cabi]      [exec]      [echo]   Message: [Could not connect to address=(host=<hostname>)(port=3306)(type=master) : Access denied for user '<username>'@'%' to database 'mysql']
[Thread-0, cabi]      [exec] 
[Thread-0, cabi]      [exec] BUILD FAILED

Additionally, cabi_install_archive.log and/or cabi.log files contain 1 or more of these error messages:

Controller: Probe 'cabi' (command = <startup java>) returns no-restart code (42)

Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /opt/CA/nimsoft/jre/jre8u332b09/lib/tools.jar

[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] /opt/CA/nimsoft/c/buildomatic/bin/validation.xml:476: Database doesn't exist. Treating problem with JDBC connection as unrecoverable

[main, cabi] (42), CABI installer failed with exit code=1

[main, cabi] nimEx.getCode()=4, nimEx.getMsgForCode()=not found, nimEx.getMessage()=Received status (4) on response (for sendRcv) for cmd = 'probe_config_get' name = 'wasp'

[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [exec] Execute failed: Cannot run program "git": error=2, No such file or directory


  • Release: UIM 20.4 CU4
  • CABI v8.0
  • MySQL Community Server (GPL) version 5.7.36
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 (Ootpa)


  • cabi probe is not currently supported for Linux OS version RHEL 8.


  • Based on the UIM Compatibility Matrix, in UIM v20.4, the cabi probe is NOT yet supported or tested for RHEL 8.

  • Currently, as of 12/28/2022, only RHEL 6.x and 7.x are supported.

Additional Information

UIM cabi is NOT supported for RHEL 8.x, only Redhat Linux 6.x and 7.x are tested and officially supported.

Please refer to:

DX UIM Probes Support Matrix

and search on the cabi probe for which OSes are currently supported in UIM v20.4.

Platform Support Availability