Console error loading drillthrough set from dashboard or Analyzer
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Console error loading drillthrough set from dashboard or Analyzer


Article ID: 256566


Updated On:


Information Centric Analytics


When attempting to drillthrough a chart or graph in a dashboard, or in the Analyzer, a generic error is displayed in the console and an error similar to the following is logged in the RiskFabric.Log_Client table:

-- Request/response -- url:/api/analyzer/CreateUpdateEventSetNoCubeView api:null params:undefined extraParams:null Status: 400 StatusText: Bad Request responseText: "Bad Request" -- portalConfig -- _PortalUserId :01bb73c0-56e5-eb11-bde1-00155d002e00 _Administrator :true _CanViewMetrics :true _CanViewDIMRemediation :true _CanRemediateDIM :true _CanViewComplianceRemediation :true _CanRemediateCompliance :true _ExceptionAdministrator :true _CanViewScanExclusionS3 :false _CanViewScanExclusionAdmin :null _ScanExclusionAdministrator :true _CanViewPII :true -- S3 -- User.SelectedUser :1 User.TopUser :1

This is accompanied by an error similar to the following in the RiskFabric server log:

2022-12-12 18:12:42,834 [109:ERROR] AnalyzerController.CreateUpdateEventSetNoCubeView() Bad Request
System.Data.DataException: Error parsing column 13 (FilterValueType=MDX - String) ---> System.ArgumentException: Requested value 'MDX' was not found.
   at System.Enum.TryParseEnum(Type enumType, String value, Boolean ignoreCase, EnumResult& parseResult)
   at System.Enum.Parse(Type enumType, String value, Boolean ignoreCase)
   at Deserializee6cd69cf-7b95-435f-921c-20150398d2d7(IDataReader )
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at RiskFabric.Web.Library.DALException.ControlThrow(Exception ex)
   at RiskFabric.Web.Library.Utils.DapperRFExtensions.ExecuteAndLogTime[T](DALTimer timer, String sql, Object parms, Func`1 command)
   at RiskFabric.Web.Library.Utils.DapperRFExtensions.QueryRF[T](IDbConnection connection, String sql, Object param, IDbTransaction transaction, Boolean buffered, Nullable`1 commandTimeout, Nullable`1 commandType, Action`1 fConverter)
   at RiskFabric.Web.Library.Analyzer.DTOs.EntityScoperFilterByMeasureAndDimensionController.GetAll()
   at System.Lazy`1.CreateValue()
   at System.Lazy`1.LazyInitValue()
   at RiskFabric.Web.Library.Analyzer.DTOs.EntityScoperFilterAccessor.<>c.<.ctor>b__6_0()
   at System.Lazy`1.CreateValue()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Lazy`1.get_Value()
   at RiskFabric.Web.Library.Analyzer.DTOs.EntityScoperFilterAccessor.TryGetFilters(Guid cubeID, String measureName, String dimensionName, IEnumerable`1& filters)
   at RiskFabric.Web.Library.Analyzer.Search.BaseSearchBuilder.DimensionScoperFilterSet.AddHierarchy(IHierarchy hierarchy)
   at RiskFabric.Web.Library.Analyzer.Search.BaseSearchBuilder.BuildSearchFilters()
   at RiskFabric.Web.Library.Analyzer.Search.BaseSearchBuilder.Build()
   at RiskFabric.Web.Library.Analyzer.EventSetCreateOrUpdateRequestHandler.HandleRequest(IEventSetActionRequest request, SqlConnection sqlConnection, SqlTransactionWithPostActions sqlTransaction)
   at RiskFabric.Web.Library.Analyzer.EventSetCreateOrUpdateRequestHandler.HandleRequest(IEventSetActionRequest request)
   at RiskFabric.Web.Controllers.AnalyzerController.CreateUpdateEventSetNoCubeView(EventSetActionRequest request)


Release : 6.5.4


The database version is 6.5.4 MP1 ( but the application version is base 6.5.4 ( The MDX filter type was introduced in MP1, so the base 6.5.4 application code doesn't recognize that filter type and throws an error.


Run the Information Centric Analytics (ICA) 6.5.4 MP1 installer and select the option Full Install. Use all existing settings, including the database and cube. Enable verbose logging during installation and save the output to a file. If this problem persists after reinstalling, open a case with Broadcom support and upload the verbose log file to the case, along with the following details:

Database Version

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  2. Connect to the Database Engine hosting the RiskFabric database
  3. From the File menu, select New > Query with Current Connection
  4. Copy the following query:
    SELECT * FROM RiskFabric.dbo.Versions;
  5. Paste the query in the new query editor window
  6. Execute the query by pressing the F5 function key, clicking the Execute button in the SQL Editor toolbar, or selecting Execute from the Query menu
  7. From the File menu, select Save Results As... and save the file
  8. Upload the file to the case

Application Version

  1. On the application server hosting Internet Information Services (IIS) and the ICA application, navigate to the \bin folder in the ICA base directory. The default location is:
    %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Bay Dynamics\Risk Fabric Server Web\bin
  2. Right-click the file RiskFabric.Web.dll and select Properties
  3. In the RiskFabric.Web.dll Properties window, select the Details tab
  4. Take a screenshot or note in the case the File version and Product version property values