XCOM still shows GENLEVEL 2202 after later CARS level applied
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XCOM still shows GENLEVEL 2202 after later CARS level applied


Article ID: 256517


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XCOM Data Transport - z/OS XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - Windows


After applying CARS 2210, XCOM still reports Generation Level (GENLEVEL) 2202 in the XCOMLOG:
XCOMM0672I XCOM(tm) Data Transport(r) 12.0.01  - Generation Level 2202


Release : 12.0


The XCOM Generation Level (GENLEVEL) is different to the CARS maintenance level.
The GENLEVEL is only updated by a XCOM Service Pack/Level Set change and applying a later CARS level will not change that unless it includes a later XCOM Service Pack PTF.
So the 12.0.01 Service Pack/Level Set PTF LU04743 from early 2022 updated the GENLEVEL from 1407 to 2202 but any later CARS levels have not changed it. That will continue until the next Service Pack/Level Set PTF is released and applied.

Additional Information


XCOM™ Data Transport® for z/OS 12.0 > Release Notes > New Features

If wanting to find current maintenance level a list of XCOM PTFs installed can be obtained by running command "/f xcomstc,MODULES" which is output to the XCOMLOG.
Alternatively if using SYSVIEW see the new feature "New PTF Tracking Element (LU07054)" on above New Features page.