When trying to delete a user account in DLP Enforce Console, you might get the error below and unable to remove the account:
When you check the localhost log, you will see the error below:
File: Enforce\logs\tomcat\localhost.2022-12-16.log
Date: 12/16/2022 10:45:59 AM
Thread: 134
Level: ERROR
Source: org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper
Message: ORA-02292: integrity constraint (PROTECT.USERCOLUMNPREFERENCE_FK1) violated - child record found
DLP 16.0.00x
The issue happens only when the user has modified the Column Preferences under the incidents tab:
This is a known issue and a fix has been provided in version 16.0.1 Fixed Issues in 16.0.1 (DLP-71718).
Until you have upgraded to DLP 16.0.1, avoid making any changes under Column Preference as shown in the screenshot above.