Hello, we currently use this program in a PowerShell script to automatically start jobs.
We are currently running CA Workload Automation AE version on a Windows 2012 Server and everything is working as expected.
We are in the process of upgrading to version 12.0.01 which is on a Windows 2019 server, however, we have been unable to get this command to work properly.
I tried running the command directly on the server in the Autosys Command Prompt.
It doesn't give me an error, however, it also doesn't start the job. If I do the same thing on the 2012 server, the job starts as expected.
Autosys 12.X
The client was no using multiple domains and they needed to add the TRUST ALL to autosys_secure
in WCC we can see your ID is displayed as user123 but in the error message, we see <DOMAIN>\user123
the domain prefix is causing the issue.
Please add the domain prefix to the trusted domains in autosys_secure?
Or change the settings to TRUSTALL.