With the new “properties” tab that exists under “Workspace” Hierarchies. It is just showing the code and name of the last object/link accessed in the tool rather than showing the properties of the particular hierarchy.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Log into Clarity (Modern UX)
2. Click on Hierarchies from “Workspace
3. And click on Hierarchy
4. Click on Hierarchy Name
5. Click on properties
6. Will show the correct details
7. Click on Ideas from “Workspace
8. Click on any link under Idea
9. Click again on Hierarchies from “Workspace
10. Click on Properties
11 And will show the Idea’s details
" It is just showing the properties of the last object/link accessed in the tool rather than showing the properties of the particular hierarchy"
Release : 16.1.0
DE67756 is fixed in Clarity 16.1.1
Workaround: Please refresh the browser and it will show properties of the particular hierarchy.