The production CA Vtape has reached 97% of threshold value and continuous alerts are coming. could you please
SVT1D0908I SVTS Cache Shortage - 097% Utilization Reached
VTape R12.6
Root cause of the problem was the G=1 queue was held.
Once this was corrected, cache was seen to be filling up - not clearing quickly.
To release the G=1 queue:
/SVT1 SET BACK=-R,G=1,SG=* - to allow the data to be offloaded from cache to BACKSTORE tapes.
Setting the MAXDRIVES to 6 allowed the BACKSTORE to run more quickly to offload data and empty the cache.
Viewing the VTape log shows RECALLING and BACKSTORE was occurring but it was slow due to the Cache being full.
Once the MAXTAPES setting was increased to 6, the Cache was cleared much faster.