Application Assessment Analysis uncaught javascript error
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Application Assessment Analysis uncaught javascript error


Article ID: 256226


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


While validating Jaspersoft 7.8 the Application Assessment Analysis report is throwing "uncaught javascript error".



Release : 16.0.1


We tried same and was not able to reproduce the error on latest report server and do not see anything logged for this report in Jaspersoft 7.8 so if it's a bug it may have gotten missed unfortunately.

An upgrade would be the solution for this once Broadcom formally publishes the next Jaspersoft release on the Broadcom support portal downloads site.

Additional Information

 Broadcom Support site will publish next Jaspersoft bundled with Clarity On Premise (please check Clarity Product Release and Support Announcements for timeline on Jasper release date).