U00003620 Routine 'UCPRMPTR' forces trace because of an error.
20220926/151305.760 - U00009909 TRACE: (BINDPAR: EPUD_AH_Idnr 0x7fdff6884ba4 00004
00000000 C402AD40 >Ä.@<
20220926/151305.760 - >1085080260<
20220926/151305.760 - U00009909 TRACE: (BINDPAR: EPUD_OPU_Lnr 0x7fdff6884ba8 00002
00000000 0100 >..<
20220926/151305.760 - >1<
20220926/151305.760 - U00009909 TRACE: (BINDPAR: EPUD_VName 0x7fdff6884baa 00005
00000000 504C414E 23 >PLAN#<
20220926/151305.760 - U00009909 TRACE: (BINDPAR: ROWID 0x7fdff1c3abc0 00018
00000000 41414150 69444141 49414147 34315041 >AAAPiDAAIAAG41PA<
00000010 4242 >BB<
20220926/151305.760 - UPDATE EPUD SET EPUD_MsgNr = ? WHERE EPUD_AH_Idnr = ? AND EPUD_OPU_Lnr = ? AND EPUD_VName = ? AND ROWID=?
20220926/151305.781 - UCUDB32 UPDT RET 3516 HSTMT: 0x00000005ee1140 VALUE: (nil) ALL: 0.02136 DB: 0.02118 ODBC: 0.00001 UDB: 0.00017
20220926/151305.781 - DB-OPC: CLSTA DB-RET: 0 HSTMT: 0x00000005336bb0 VALUE: (nil)
20220926/151305.781 - UCUDB32 CLAL RET 0000 HSTMT: 0x00000005336bb0 VALUE: (nil) ALL: 0.00004 DB: 0.00000 ODBC: 0.00001 UDB: 0.00003
20220926/151305.781 - U00003620 Routine 'UCPRMPTR' forces trace because of error.
20220926/151305.781 - U00003516 UCUDB: Affected lines in function 'UPDATE' = '0'
Release 12.3.x
Component: Automation Engine
This is caused during the processing of a Promptset and the issue has been confirmed to be a bug by our Dev team.
Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.
Fix version:
Component: Automation.Engine 21.0.5 - Available
Note: Due to bugs with huge impacts, that were discovered in AE 21.0.5, we recommend to upgrade to Hotfix 21.0.5 hf1 or a newer version available.
This problem can only happen in systems with Oracle database.