While using 6.8 installers, one may notice an additional MySQL driver prompt irrespective of the underlying DB for RA is Oracle or MSSQL.
Please elaborate the cause for the same.
Release : 6.8
The above prompt seeking details of MySQL database connector is a prompt as per product design and is not a result of an ERROR. The reason for having an additional prompt is that CA RA as per licensing constraints no longer able to distribute MySQL connector either with installers of action packs.
Due to above explained limitation, the end user is prompted during installation to provide a MySQL database connector path (optional) to make sure that the MySQL connectors are available to CARA in case if user is using any MySQL related actions/action packs.
Newly incorporated prompt requesting MySQL database connector is an optional prompt and can be skipped pressing next (in case of no usage of MySQL action/action packs) to continue with default installation sequence.