Cannot boot into the system after taking an image of a Windows 11 ( Windows 10 22H2 ) Endpoint
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Cannot boot into the system after taking an image of a Windows 11 ( Windows 10 22H2 ) Endpoint


Article ID: 256113


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite Deployment Solution


After running through PowerShell scripts to provision apps on Windows 11, and then taking an image, both the source and target computers do not boot into production.


Windows 11 version 22H2 with updates applied before running sysprep


Errors in setuperr file and error is given on OOBE:

Error TOOL BCD: BiUpdateEfiEntry failed c000000d
Error TOOL BCD: BiExportBcdObjects failed c000000d
Error TOOL BCD: BiExportStoreAlterationsToEfi failed c000000d
Error TOOL BCD: Failed to export alterations to firmware. Status: c000000d

KB5020044 update applied on source system

See Microsoft article:


Do not apply windows updates to Windows 11 (22H2) or roll back KB5020044 off the system before preparing the system for sysprep

GSS: Preparing Windows 10 (or Windows 11) to run Sysprep

DS: Preparing Windows 10 or Windows 11 to run a 'Prepare for Image Capture' (sysprep)