SD Staging Jobs remain in status SW Delivery Ordered
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SD Staging Jobs remain in status SW Delivery Ordered


Article ID: 256088


Updated On:


CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Software Delivery


All SD "Deliver SW" jobs (registration of a package from DOMAIN to a scalability server) remain in status "SW Delivery Ordered"

In logs TRC_USD_SDMGRFT_*.log following error appears :

131222-09:37:05.9867070L|010372|0000025c|SDMgrFT |SDMgrFT |sdmgr_ft_dts_aw.cpp |002643|ERROR | TNGDT API library failed to load -1
131222-09:37:05.9867365L|010372|0000025c|SDMgrFT |SDMgrFT |sdmgr_ft_dts_aw.cpp |002661|INFO | DtsApiWrapper::loadAndConnect exiting -1
131222-09:37:05.9867578L|010372|0000025c|SDMgrFT |SDMgrFT |sdmgr_ft_dts.cpp |002195|ERROR | failed to connect to dts
131222-09:37:06.9933209L|010372|0000025c|SDMgrFT |SDMgrFT |sdmgr_ft_dts_cfg.cpp|000271|INFO | FTMConfig::FTMConfig entered
131222-09:37:06.9933833L|010372|0000025c|SDMgrFT |SDMgrFT |sdmgr_ft_dts_cfg.cpp|000061|INFO | FTMConfig::ConfigData::ConfigData entered


Client Automation - All Versions


Error "TNGDT API library failed to load -1" indicates that DLL file tngdt.dll could not be loaded
This file is located under C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\DTS\bin

This problem could occur if path C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\DTS\bin (or path where SC\DTS is installed on the Domain Manager) is not present in PATH variable


- Add path C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\DTS\bin (or correct path depending of DSM path installation) in System PATH variable

- Restart caf
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