Jasper service is frequently running out of memory and throwing an Out of Memory exception. The server is sparsely used and we have less users accessing the system and the memory is adequately configured.
ERROR JobRunShell,JasperServerMaintenanceScheduler_Worker-2:211 [] - Job DEFAULT.auditEventArchiverJob threw an unhandled Exception:
com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.quartz.JSJobMethodInvocationFailedException: Invocation of method 'archiveAuditEvents'
This is caused when auditing has been enabled on JasperServer. When the number of rows in JIAUDITEVENT table are too high the maintenance job which archive's this data consumes lot of memory and ultimately fails.
As a workaround you can take a backup of JIAUDITEVENT and JIAUDITEVENTARCHIVE tables and truncate them. Another recommendation is turn off Jaspersoft audit.