How can resources be added to the Classic Home and Administration and Modern with REST API?
Release : 16.1.0
Review REST API documentation with /niku/rest/describe/index.html
Under 'Other Resources', users(resources) can be retrieved and created with GET / POST call.
Example body can be used:
"lastName": "Smith",
"secondaryEmail": "[email protected]",
"forcePwdChange": "false",
"isLdap": "false",
"email": "[email protected]",
"resourceName": "resourcetest1",
"userName": "resourcetest1",
"firstName": "Andy",
"language": {
"displayValue": "English",
"_type": "lookup",
"id": "1"
To filter for the username which is not case-sensitive:
/ppm/rest/v1/users?filter=((userName startsWith '%[email protected]'))
Starting in 16.1.1, be sure to provide the rights desired/needed:
Administration - Users - Navigate
Relevant *resources* rights