File space exhausted errors in Session Store servers.
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File space exhausted errors in Session Store servers.


Article ID: 256015


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 File space exhausted errors DXServer acting as a Siteminder Session Store servers.

* [2] 20221206.143636.473 File space exhausted
* [1] 20221206.143637.615 File space exhausted



Policy Server: r12.8.x

Session Store: r12.8.x

[Symantec Directory Server]

DxServer: r14.x


The size of the database file for the DSA is defined in the 'dxgrid-db-size' attribute within the 'grid configuration' section of the '<DSA>.dxi

WINDOWS (Default): <installdir>\dxserver\config\servers\<DSA>.dxi

Linux (Default): <installdir>/dxserver/config/servers/<DSA>.dxi


# grid configuration
set dxgrid-db-location = "data";
set dxgrid-db-size = 500;
set cache-index = smSessionId, smExpirationTime, smIdleExpirationTime, smSearchData, smVariableName, smFullVariableName;
set lookup-cache = true;


review of the <DSA>.db file, if observed the file size is close to, or at the size defined in the 'dxgrid-db-size' attribute

WINDOWS (Default): <installdir>\dxserver\data\<DSA>.db

Linux (Default):<installdir>/dxserver/data/<DSA>.db


-rw-r-----. 1 smuser smgroup 5000000000 Jun 11  2019 SessionStore-DSA.db



Increase the size of the Session Store DSA.

[Steps to extend the size of the DXgrid datastore]

To extend the size of the DXgrid data store, use the dxextenddb tool and follow these steps:

1) Shutdown the DSA. 

dxserver stop <SessionStore-DSA>

2) Edit the "dxgrid-db-size" parameter within the DSA's initialization file (<DXHOME>/config/servers/<SessionStore-DSA>.dxi)

set dxgrid-db-size = 500;

NOTE: Value is in MB. Default is "500"

3) Run "dxextenddb <SessionStore-DSA>".

dxextenddb <SessionStore-DSA>

4) Restart the DSA.

dxserver start <SessionStore-DSA>

Once the DXgrid datastore has been extended and restarted, you can continue adding or modifying entries. 

Note that the frequency of the job which purges stale data from the Session Store can be set in the Siteminder Policy Store registry

LINUX: <PS_Insstall_Dir>/registry/sm.registry
Windows: regedit.exe


KeyName: MaintenancePeriod
Value (Default): 0x3c (60)

KeyName: MaintenanceQueryTimeout
Value (Default): 0x3c (60)

NOTE: Value is in 'seconds'

Under heavy load conditions, long-running queries for session store maintenance tasks can time out. This includes tasks such as removing idled-out or expired sessions. Adjust the timeout for session store maintenance tasks (60 seconds by default), by increasing the value of the MaintenanceQueryTimeout registry setting. Increase the value so that the maintenance thread can complete its tasks successfully.


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