Communication error with server Web Viewer 14.0
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Communication error with server Web Viewer 14.0


Article ID: 256012


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Output Management Web Viewer


Trying to get webviewer up and running on our test system. But get communication error with server on the web page. 

The following errors were displayed on the login page

Failed to connect to web service.
Communication error with server.





Release : 14.0

Web Viewer 


ConfigFile.cfg not found


The product installation creates USS directories that contain a pre-generated Co panel (3.1), nfigFile.cfg.

To find it, query the path of this USS installation directory in SMP/E using the Query specifying zone name CAIT0 (or appropriate target zone if it was customized), entry type DDDEF, entry name CCAFHFS.

  • The configuration file is then located in CAWVHOME/config/ConfigFile.cfg path relative to this USS installation directory path.
  • Define an environment variable CAWVHOME that points to the CAVWHOME directory for the Tomcat web server task as described in the Set Environmental Variables section of the documentation. 
  • Modify the contents of the referenced ConfigFile.cfg as described in Configure the product.
  • Proceed with the subsequent installation steps.

Additional Information

The expected list after installation is:

# ls <parent>/webviewer
CA                                MTC-ContentViewer-properties.war                      db2SharedLibrary.tcl              installWebViewer.tcl              web-viewer-utils.jar              webApplication
CAWVHOME                          NOTICE.txt                        WebViewer.war                     h2.jar                            log4j2.xml                        web-viewer.ear
ConfigFile.cfg                    WebViewer.jar                     createdb.sql                      h2SharedLibrary.tcl               startWebViewer.tcl                web-viewer.war

# ls <parent>/webviewer/CA
CAHVCFG             CAHVH2              CAHVLG4J            CAHVSH              CAHVUTIL            CAHVWSD2            CAHVWSIN            CAHVWSWA            CAHVWVEW
CAHVCPSH            CAHVJAR             CAHVNOTC            CAHVUIPP            CAHVWAR             CAHVWSH2            CAHVWSST            CAHVWVEE            OM_install_log.txt

# ls <parent>/webviewer/CAWVHOME
config  logs

# ls <parent>/webviewer/CAWVHOME/config  
ConfigFile.cfg               log4j2.xml

# ls <parent>/webviewer/CAWVHOME/logs 

If files are missng it means that either the value of CCAFHFS has been changed since the initial installation (and the installation is now in an inconsistent state), or, more likely, that the required ZFS file system has not been mounted into the directory before the latest PTF was applied.