Unable to log in to Messagelabs portal using Broadcom credentials, after changing a password.
Error : An unexpected system error has occurred - please try again later. If the problem persists please contact your service provider support team quoting reference CIS.
This is mainly happening due some domains exclusion for the Logged in user.
The users are allowed to pickup domains management under user's roles permission which may cause this error if a domain is excluded under the user's roles.
Administrator can change "domains" for the user roles so it can align to all the provisioned domains of their account by following the below steps :
1 - Go to user management page.
2 - Select custom role
3 - Select Edit Configuration and "All" in services
4 - Select All selected domains and add all the domains present in text field.
5 - Click Append Role button.
Repeat the same steps for the View Configuration Role.
1 - select Edit configuration and select any service from services drop down.
2 - select All Domains Append Role
3 - Click Save and Exit