One or more of the following errors are shown from
1. REST API Tool
"resourceId": null,
"httpStatus": "400",
"errorMessage": "ODF-0015: Value must be unique.",
"errorCode": "odf.uniqueIndexViolation"
2. APP Logs
ERROR 2022-12-09 17:15:45,245 [http-nio-80-exec-37] rest.validation (clarity:user:session:PPM_REST_API) ODFResourceProvider :: Could not create resource. Object code alias: [ requestUrl: http://<host>/ppm/rest/v1/custCustomers , _restResourceName : custCustomers , _id : null , _parentInfo : null , _apiVersion : v1 , _includeLinksArray : true , _contextId : -1 , _hierarchyId : -1 , _isGroupBy : false , _isPartition : false]
ERROR 2022-12-09 17:15:45,245 [http-nio-80-exec-37] rest.validation (clarity:user:session:PPM_REST_API) ExceptionInfo :: Could not create resource. Resource name: custCustomers. Error code: odf.uniqueIndexViolation Error message: ODF-0015: Value must be unique.
Release : 16.0.3
Ensure the following JSON body is unique in both required fields(name,code):
"name": "Test",
"code": "12345"