Export - Import of Location Awareness Table
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Export - Import of Location Awareness Table


Article ID: 255915


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


How to export the Location Awareness Table from a configuration policy into a csv file ?
How to import the Location Awareness Table from a csv file to a configuration policy ?
This table could contain a lot of rows and if it easier to manage them using a csv file.


Client Automation - All Versions.


The scripts GetLocationAwareTable.dms and UpdateLocationAwareTable.dms could be used to export/import a configuration policy from a csv file. (See attached .zip file)
Installation of the scripts
1- Uncompress the attached zip file under C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM (<DSM PATH>)
2- A directory <DSM PATH>\CA_FDU\LocationAware should be created with 4 files :
Export of Location Awareness Table
1- Execute following commands to export the Location Awareness Table of a specified configuration policy into a csv file.
cd /D "%SDROOT%\..\CA_FDU\LocationAware"
dmscript GetLocationAwareTable.dms "LA_TEST"
- Replace LA_TEST by the name of configuration policy.
- If logged user has not enough right in SQL Server, the script tries with ca_itrm account with its default password (NOT_changedR11)
If default password has been changed, following command could be used (replace ca_itrm_pwd by the correct password) :
dmscript GetLocationAwareTable.dms "LA_TEST" ca_itrm ca_itrm_pwd
2- If export is successful, a file %SDROOT%\..\CA_FDU\LocationAware\Locations.csv is created
This file could be edited to add, remove or update the rows.
Import of Location Awareness Table

1- Once file %SDROOT%\..\CA_FDU\LocationAware\Locations.csv updated, it could be imported into the configuration policy.
Execute following commands to import the Location Awareness Table from the locations.csv file into a specified configuration policy.
cd /D "%SDROOT%\..\CA_FDU\LocationAware"
dmscript UpdateLocationAwareTable.dms "LA_TEST"
- Replace LA_TEST by the name of configuration policy.
- If logged user has not enough right in SQL Server, the script tries with ca_itrm account with its default password (NOT_changedR11)
If default password has been changed, following command could be used (replace ca_itrm_pwd by the correct password) :
dmscript UpdateLocationAwareTable.dms "LA_TEST" ca_itrm ca_itrm_pwd
2- If import is successful following message appears :
These scripts generate logs GetLocationAwareTable.log and UpdateLocationAwareTable.log

Additional Information

Script version 2.01 (27 DEC 2022)


1672332870129__CA_FDU.zip get_app