Clarity Source Code and customizations
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Clarity Source Code and customizations


Article ID: 255914


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


Where can we find Clarity source code and is it in editable format, can we edit it? 


Any supported releases.


  • Clarity source code is proprietary and cannot be provided
  • Any decompiling and updates are unsupported customizations, highly discouraged and out of scope of Support 
  • Any edits to XML and other files are also unsupported customizations, which can lead to issues with Clarity functionality, upgrades, connectivity, performance
  • Any edits to Clarity files are at customer risk
  • If any Clarity issue arises due to unsupported changes, Broadcom Support is not going to be able to assist until the customizations are fully rolled back
  • Broadcom Support cannot assist with issues caused by the customizations, customizations not working or not working on a specific version

Additional Information

For more information on custom jars, please check Custom jar files and Clarity server