Are there any recommended steps to take to decomision the Chorus Manager software?
Release : 6.1 and 6.0
A. The main thing is to shutdown all 3 stc's, ie CSM Muf, CSM DBserver and the CSM Tomcat server..
B. Unmount the ZFS file systems, but this also could have done in the CSM Settings tab when shutting down CSM..
C. Delete all the ZFS files systems...
The CSM system used file systems and the file systems used for the Software Catalog with all the base install pax files and solutions..
If this is done, the major job is done...
But some small things to check too:
1. Check your SYS1.PROCLIB for the CSM procedures
2. Is there still a Datacom SVC, see this chapter: Remote the SVC
3. Also see this chapter: Clean Your Environment. Possibly already done, but still to check.. Removal of the installation material of CSM itself..
4. Check also the BPXPRMxx member in the SYS1.PARMLIB for the mounts at IPL time of the CSM file systems..
5. Check the LINKLIST or PROGxx members for the Datacom CAAXLOAD and CUSLIB..
6. Check if there are statements related to the Datacom of CSM in CAIRIM and CAS9.
7. Delete the CSM database in Datacom... The databases itself, but also the CXX, LXX, FXX and PXX files
8. Check the security product to cleanup security rules for CSM to prevent miss use of the access via these settings.
This would possibly cover it all..
The best is to check the installation chapters what was done to install the product and then go backwards for the cleanup..
This would cover what possibly is missing from the above list..