When updating text and numeric attributes via REST APIs it is not refreshing them in UI until page is refreshed.
1. Login to a 16.1.0 machine
2. Create Custom master object and event enable it.
Object Name: Test Ticket System UX
Object ID: test_ticket_system
3. Create few attributes to test with.
a. Create Static lookup (Values = "Copy That" and "Don't Copy") type attribute with Name = Should we Copy and ID = copy_act_descr (this attribute will be used to trigger process)
4. Create 4 attributes as below
a. String type with name and id = string, API = c_string
b. Bollean type with name and id = test_boolean, API = c_test_boolean
c. Lookup Type (Lookup = Access Type) with name and id = test_look, API = c_test_look
d. Number type with name and id = test_num, API = c_test_num
5. Create process with the GEL script that will update above 4 attributes when value of the attribute from Step 3 is changed.
6. Observe that after process runs and page refreshed only values for Boolean and Lookup attributes changed but for text and number it does not until page is refreshed.
Expected: it should refresh values for text and number as per GET request it is observed it is fetching updated values.
Actual: it is not refreshing values for text and number type attributes.
Release : 16.1.0
DE67674, Fixed in and Pre Patch 01 for 16.1.1, 16.1.2