When updating issue via XOG it is not triggering process on Auto-Start Condition.
1. Login to a 16.1.0 machine
2. Navigate to Administration - Processes and New
3. Create a new simple process
Object: Issue
Start Option: Update
( Issue Priority != Issue Priority [Previous Value] )
4. The process does not require any further steps to Start and Stop
5. Validate the Process
6. Navigate to any project instance and go to Issues
7. Attempt to update Priority field and observe process start as expected
8. Update Priority field via XOG and process will not process even though in Audit and UI new value can be observed.
9. Navigate to the Process tab and check for the initiated processes
Expected: The processes created in Step 3 is initiated because there was a change in the priority field
Actual: The process is not initiated
Release : 16.0.2
DE67673, Fix is targeted for 16.1.1.