Does ACF2 Password Phrase setting use the MAXTRY field from the GSO PSWD record?
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Does ACF2 Password Phrase setting use the MAXTRY field from the GSO PSWD record?


Article ID: 255868


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There are no options in the ACF2 GSO PWPHRASE for MAXTRY. Does Password Phrase processing use MAXTRY from the GSO PSWD record?


Release : 16.0


The GSO PSWD MAXTRY is used for both passwords and password phrases. Exceeding GSO PSWD MAXTRY for signon with password phrase results in ACF82904  ACF2, SESSION TERMINATED, and ACFRPTPW:


which corresponds to message: 'ACF01005 PASSWORD PHRASE NOT MATCHED'.

Password Phrase Considerations
The PSWD record defines the global options for passwords. Some fields apply to both passwords and password phrases and must be studied carefully to determine cumulative effect. These include:

CLEARVIO|NOCLEARVIO - Specifies whether ACF2 clears the password, password phrase, and Kerberos violation counters when a user goes through system entry validation successfully using a valid password or a valid password phrase

PASSLMT(2|nnn) - maximum number of invalid password, SAF Kerberos Key violations, and password phrase attempts permitted in a single day.

MAXTRY(1|nnn) - Specifies the maximum number of attempts, including the initial password entry, that are permitted before the terminal session is canceled. Default: Value is one. The maximum value is 255. If you specify MAXTRY(0), a user can still logon.