Unable to change Spectrum MySQL root password
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Unable to change Spectrum MySQL root password


Article ID: 255864


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


After Upgrading Spectrum to Getting below error while trying to change Spectrum MySQL root password

"ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)" 


Spectrum 21.2.8 and Higher


From 21.2.8, have to use "./update_mysql_user.pl" command to update the password.

This script does require that you follow all of the below steps.


Follow below steps to change the default root password for the MySQL root user.

1. Export the configuration file using the following command:

     export MYSQL_TEST_LOGIN_FILE=/$SPECROOT/mysql/data/mylogin.cnf

2. Run the following command to change the existing password:

    ./mysql_config_editor set --login-path=myclient --host=localhost --user=root --password

3. At the prompt, enter the new password.

    Enter password:

4.  Log into MySql with the default password and update the new password by issuing the following command:
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<new password>;
 Exit mysql
5. Verify the new password by issuing the following command from the $SPECROOT/mysql/bin directory:
./my_print_defaults -s --defaults-file=$SPECROOT/mysql/my-spectrum.cnf myclient

6.  Update MySQl user password.

  •     Navigate to $SPECROOT/mysql/bin and run the

           ./update_mysql_user.pl -u root -p <password>

           replace <password> with your new password.

ex: ./update_mysql_user.pl -u root -p MySqlroot

NOTE: This Update command will restart the Tomcat and ArchiveManager processes.

Now Password will be updated successfully.
Try to login into MySQL using new password


Additional Information

Update password:
