How to convert a (PEM) X509 cert to PKCS#7 (.p7b) format?
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How to convert a (PEM) X509 cert to PKCS#7 (.p7b) format?


Article ID: 255801


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SITEMINDER CA BCS Premier for CA Single Sign-On CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Federation (SiteMinder)


Under SiteMinder documentation step "Install the Administrative UI" (Optional) Obtain and Import a Trusted Certificate into the Administrative UI, step 6 (h) says "adminui_cert.p7b
is the signed certificate request from the CA in PKCS#7 format. PKCS#7 format contains the server certificates, intermediate certificate (if any), and root certificates. "

The step requires adminui_cert.p7b in PKCS#7 format, however, Admin often receives a (PEM) X509 cert instead.

How to convert a (PEM) X509 cert to PKCS#7 (.p7b) format?


Release : 12.8.04


First, open the (PEM) X509 cert in notepad program, ensure all the certificates are readable and listed in the correct order.

It should look like this:

MIIERT....(server certificate)


MIIERT....(intermediate certificate)


MIIERT....(root certificate)


This conversion process is in two parts:

1) Import your SSL certificate
2) Export your Certificate as PKCS 7

Part 1 of 2: Import your SSL certificate

1. From Internet Explorer, click Tools / Internet Options and click on the "Content" tab

2. Click on the "Certificates" button

3. Click on the "Import" button, the Certificate Import Wizard appears.

4. Browse to your Entrust SSL certificate and follow the rest of the Import Wizard choosing the defaults or browser to a particular store choice.

You should choose the SSL certificate file with entire chain in it, including the intermediate cert in the middle.

5. Click OK and Close Internet Explorer

Part 2 of 2: Export your certificate as a PKCS 7

1. From Internet Explorer, click Tools / Internet Options and click on the Content tab.

2. Click on the Certificates button.

3. Click on the "Other People" tab, or the store choice was made in previous import.

4. Choose your SSL certificate and click on "Export" button.

5. In the Certificate Export wizard, choose the option for "Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard PKCS #7 Certificate" and also checkmark "Include all certificates in the certification path if possible."

6. On the next screen, choose to save your file to your desktop. The file will save as a PKCS 7 with a .p7b file extension.

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