Tamper Protection is blocking MSIEXEC.EXE from updating Registry keys (\SharedDefs\...)
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Tamper Protection is blocking MSIEXEC.EXE from updating Registry keys (\SharedDefs\...)


Article ID: 255775


Updated On: 04-18-2024


Endpoint Security Complete Endpoint Protection


When upgrading Clients running 14.3 RU4 - RU6, Tamper Protection is blocking MSIEXEC.EXE from updating SharedDefs Registry keys.

  • Blocked MSIEXEC.EXE while attempting to create HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\{3EC50411-3F7E-4DC6-9813-D370B212BBFB}\SharedDefs\IPSDefs
  • Blocked MSIEXEC.EXE while attempting to create HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\{3EC50411-3F7E-4DC6-9813-D370B212BBFB}\SharedDefs\ccSubSDK_SCD_Defs\.
  • Blocked MSIEXEC.EXE while attempting to create HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\{3EC50411-3F7E-4DC6-9813-D370B212BBFB}\SharedDefs\EfaVTDefs\.
  • Blocked MSIEXEC.EXE while attempting to create HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\{3EC50411-3F7E-4DC6-9813-D370B212BBFB}\SharedDefs\IronSettingsDefs\.



The custom action that creates the install script is accessing registry keys before Tamper Protection authorizes MSIEXEC.EXE.


The reported issue has been fixed in 14.3 RU7.  

For more information, please review the document below:

New fixes and component versions in Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU7

Incident Description: Tamper Protection logs blocks against msiexec during SEP client upgrades