After upgrading or deploying emailgtw 2.90 we cannot send emails.
Test connection succeeds in emailgtw probe but the emails are not sent. The log shows:
emailgtw: Entered send_id()
emailgtw: Debug logs before header creation
emailgtw: Debug logs between header creation
emailgtw: Debug logs after header creation
emailgtw: Debug logs before token
emailgtw: Debug logs after token
emailgtw: Debug logs after recepients
emailgtw: Debug logs after CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT
emailgtw: Debug logs after mime init
emailgtw: Debug logs after alt mime init
emailgtw: Debug logs after part
emailgtw: Debug logs before usehtml
emailgtw: Debug logs after usehtml
emailgtw: Debug logs before sending mail
emailgtw: Debug logs after sending mail
In our emailgtw configuration we do not require a login to send emails, so we have left the credentials blank in the emailgtw GUI.
The test connection works fine with no credentials but not the actual sending.
For now, the workaround is to downgrade the emailgtw to version 2.84:
This version requires the VS2008 packages so please make sure those are already installed as per the Installed packages in the controller, and that its present in your local Archive or the downgrade will fail.